Friday, April 3, 2009

Freak My Talent

I let my fingers do the strokin'

the inner curves of hips,

rendering the remembrances of sultry lips of many women.

How can I forget 'em?

I've loved and left them, but somehow I’m still with them.

Even with this one its still all game,

She’ll leave in the arms of another man, just the same.

But she’s mine until she names her price,

For so long these ladies have been my vice

Nonetheless, with every stroke, I’ll push and pull,

and labor on that ass until my pencil is no longer full.

Not liking the way it was going though,

and felt something was missin',

I backed up off it, took a good look,

and did her in another position.

Yeah, that’s it right there.

I like the way it’s goin’ now,

She started to show a smile on her face,

As she saw me goin’ down.

You got to give me props as I did that thing right,

From start to finish, I worked on it all night.

I came from the top of her head to the tips of her toes,

Looked her naked body over, as I started to doze.

When I woke up the next morning she was still there next to me,

Staring, unmoved, as I expected her to be.

A one night stand that looks even better than last sight,

Finer than any woman I’ve done on previous nights.

The secret to the stroke is the way you hold your magic stick.

"It ain’t how quick you do it, its how long you put in it."

Brothas, I know you can feel me,

Sistahs are ready to curse me out,

I like to draw beautiful women,

“What you think I was talkin’ about?”

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