Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Road Not Taken

Perhaps we could all take a more intimate view of ourselves, and understand or realize our own purpose, existence, and potential without societal, parental, financial, and like pressures. Some of us find that fork in the road at an early age, but for most, it's not until later in life that we understand the importance of following our instincts without fear or influence. Instinct isn't always without pre-meditated thought, strategy, or inspiration. The world needs it.

Artiststs get it, understand it, and live it. They have always have done things unconventionally, and from under self influence, and against the grain. These are the minds that spark creativity, invention, innovation, influence and change. To everyone I say, "Be you, do for self, and fuck being afraid." "Be that black sheep!"
Of the tattoo, I say excellent words to live by cousin.

Exerpt: Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
Photo: Joelysa McLeod