Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Raleigh Renaissance

I Love the city I grew up in. From Clarence Poe & Fuller elementary, schools, to Ligon Middle, and on to "The Drive" I've seen Raleigh transform from a rural Capital, to consistently grow to become one of the "Best places to Live." Is that it? That's all I get to come home to? Even before I left in '98, there were talks of a rail system, a new 540 bypass, signs of anticipated growth was on the horizon. It has grown. In population and perhaps in it's physical boundaries, but one boundary Raleigh has failed to outgrow is it's conservatism. For all of the professionals who have been living here, and for the thousands who have come to make Raleigh their home, where is the culture for us? Glenwood avenue? Gwendolyn's, Two T's, 30Plus in southeast Raleigh? I've been to them all and have enjoyed them, but what is there to do that's unique, different, and something that may even have a cultural, or educational benefit from the time and money you are willing to spend from your weekend budget? For many people, the club is the same old shit. Nothing new, nothing exciting to stimulate the senses, to spark conversation, promote businesses, expose the hidden entrepreneurs living right here in your own backyard.

The question is: would you support it? Is Raleigh ready?

The "Raleigh Renaissance" is coming...

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