Sunday, February 7, 2010

The "Sunday Art Social" follow-up

The "Sunday Art Social" was a great success! Turn-out was incredible and everyone had a great time Including myself. Great artists from in and around the triangle shared their art, the influences behind it, and their appreciation for all of those who came out. The feeling of the event was one of love, appreciation for art, good vibes, and lots of fun. Friends from past and present supported the efforts to be a part of what Raleigh really is starving for in art & culture. Thanks to all who volunteered to make it happen, and thanks to all who made it a success!

Be sure to RSVP & come out to "Sexy Sunday"
Come single to mingle, or come as a couple and enjoy an exhibition of visually & mentally stimulating art & spoken word, on the topics of love, relationships, & eroticism by the best in the Triangle! Go to my Facebook link, to my events and get the lowdown!

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