Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Chastisin' chumps
playin' squares for bus fare.
Venture to his territory, if you dare.
Red and black, can't turn back,
A prince promoted to liqua-house king,
is the wish of anyone who's seen this awesome display of
inebriated, strategized play. Often for dollars,
which makes flukes holla and go home broke.
Knowin' that that checka-playin' Junior ain't no joke!

For pops who could bust anybody's ass in checkers.

1 comment:

ncnaynay said...

Most definitely for my grandpa! I can remember watching him play. He would be sitting there watching the man across from him, waiting to pounce. I knew nothing about checkers, but I new the exact moment when his opponent made a mistake, becacue there was a subtle twinkle in my grandfather's eye. Then I would get ready for the thunderous sound of a heavy hand smack on the board...