Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Power of Women

Excited about an upcoming art show that I'm participating in with many other Atlanta artists, I was thinking about the title:
"The Power of Women" This power comes in many forms, but I think it all comes from the same source within. However you choose to call it: "Girl Power", "Womens Power", Pu$$y Power" or whatever. Women, exercise that power! YOU have ultimate control to say any choice of words adamantly, meaningful and forcefully that wields your feminine authority against anyone negatively in your space! You've done it before,(at some point your man has begged.) Now do it in every other aspect of your life and relationships. Rock that shit, flaunt that shit, and wear it like a million-dollar smile! For me, that confidence, (even a slight, controlled arrogance) and positive attitude is the sexiest, most attractive thing in a woman!

Steve Harvey (the #1 best-selling author of "ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN", written with Denene Millner) was very upset on his radio show this morning and adamant about the news of Chris Brown and Rhianna reconciling. Now I haven't read his book, but I did see him on Oprah, and I don't follow celebrity news, but this shit disturbed me. I don't know what happened, I wasn't there. But the fact seems to be that CB did put his hands on the lady in a negative way of some sort. If this reconciliation happens to be true, I can't understand why any woman would want that bitch-ass man back and you know he won't step to other dudes most likely! Why? Especially if she's in the public eye and can have pretty much any man that she chooses 8 to 80! Makes no damn sense!

Now fellas, we've all experienced ladies who were hard to get along with, but I don't beat women and hopefully you have the same outlook. But I have given plenty a choice words though, anybody can receive a good cussin'! But nobody deserves to get beaten.

Come out and support 'The Power of Women'

Free can of ass-whoopin' to the first 50 wife-beaters!

The Bench

602 Marietta St, Atlanta

Opening show Saturday April 18th

Info: http://www.manoamanoartshow.com

(just playin' 'bout the ass-whoopin')

-My name is FLAVADAVE and I approve this message.

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