Sunday, March 22, 2009

Art is my job.

Somewhere, somehow, I bought into the “go to school,
get a good job" bullshit.

Upon graduating with a degree in Graphic Design, I lost my direction as I moved to Atlanta in search of a design career. Within the several years working in three different art departments, I became disenfranchised and stripped of my ability to create freely. Waking up knowing that I was just some company’s worker-bee, I came home burnt-out, and unmotivated to do anything art-related. Losing my job last fall in this economy was one of the best things that could have happened to me.

With more time on my hands and a new sense of creative-purpose, I've re-dedicated to the talent that has always brought me joy, therapy, and on occasion, a few dollars.Inspired by the art scene here in Atlanta, I watched from afar as cats like Goldie Gold, Flux, Fabian, Dub, DTM, MisterSoul and others get theirs. I intend to add myself to this successful list of artists, and invest in myself as before. Pursuing a formal education in design, you are constantly exposed and reminded of Design and Ad agencies, the movers and shakers in the industry, and you tend to lose personal perspective as you try to figure your place and role in these kinds of businesses. From '91-'98, I was unaware, much less cared about who was doing what & where as I was constantly hustling custom T-shirts, doing flyers, CD covers, etc. I was guerrilla marketing in the concrete jungle way before I've even heard the term. School was only meant to tame and refine my talent, not the hustle.

Feel like I'm back for the 1st time.

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