Friday, October 6, 2006

Pigeons on the Pharcyde of Fiasco

I Used to Love Her. We all did. Boys and girls alike. She was the neighborhood star.
Everybody wanted to be her and always listened to her advice. She walked and talked with
a confidence no one else had. Warm sunny days at the park on the swings, or in the street
playing tag, she was always cheering me on from the sidelines. Her words were
inspiration, motivation, and gave me the hype that I needed. She was straight A, but always
had the time to come outside to play. Always there, at and age where you know nothing of
taking anything for granted.

Her parents who controlled her felt as though they needed a better life, an opportunity to grow,
a different scene, change of pace. But they had no idea that their new found hopes of a better
life would end up stifled at the furthest reaches of asphalt on a dead-end street. A street where
no kids bothered to play catch, hide-and-go-seek, and red light-green light. She didn't want to go,
and she couldn't stop her parents from moving. I was her best friend, and she was mine. We lost
touch after all these years as we didn't have e-mail, and cell phones and didn't think at age 8 that
we'd never see each other again. Our playful street was no longer the joy it used to be. I struggled
to make new best-friends, but nobody could fill her shoes. Nobody did the wop, made us bob our
heads, and dance the way she did. We felt good, fulfilled and at ease when she was around. I missed
my buddy.

I'm grown now and have made new experiences with new friends since, but have never forgotten
about Lyric. I often wondered where she could be now? What is she doing? And how has her life
turned out? I hope all is well with her. My life isn't so bad, but I bet two NOW-and-LATERS,
four Oreos and a chocolate milk that it would be better if she was here. A few months back I went to
the movies, and during the show, thought I saw her sittin' in the front row. I didn't get the opportunity
to get a good look, but I wanna say it was her. Later on, I began seeing her here and there around town
and I'm now conviced she's still around. No longer in the spotlight, no longer the sunshine that lit everyone's
day up, but only the chosen few who remained in her life, by her own choices. I see enough of her to
know she's out there. Common she hangs with a kid named Lupe and Pigeon John from what I hear. Living
way out on the Pharcyde of town. I think I'll explore this city more. One day, one day I'm gonna run into her,
and we can continue our friendship where we left off.

Support real hip-hop and not that bullshit people:

De La Soul (Still hot)-Listen to The Grind Date
Lupe Fiasco
Pigeon John
Little Brother
The Roots
The Pharcyde
(these folks and many more to name are still making good music)


Blu Jewel said...

Tell it...tell it all.

nikki said...

'grind date' was SOOOOOO slept on! i LOVE that cd.

you have just earned ten attractive points to use towards the purchase of nikki's pussy with this entry right here. LOL

now you just gotta get the additional 999,999,999,990 together...