Saturday, April 25, 2009

Denzel: Real Gangsta.

Don't know if this is true or not, but found it browsing the net.

Monday, October 29, 2007 8:27 AM
Subject: FW: Did Denzel Snitch Out Rapper TI?...
A little over a week ago, I was listening to an urban station here and they did a story where some insider said that TI was snitched out and set up by Denzel Washington. Of all people...Denzel??
Apparently, they got into some verbal altercations while filming "American Gangster" a year ago or so, and eventually TI fronted Denzel off on the set, in front of camera and crew, basically saying "After 30 years in movies you are only getting $25 million a picture...I made that on my first CD!" and went on to list how he actually is set to surpass Denzel in career earnings by April of 2008. Denzel just laughed if off with his cheesy grin and said very little to TI for the rest of filming, even though they were in a few last scenes together. After the altercation, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Idris Elba also said very little to TI.
Ruby Dee pulled him aside and spoke to him and encouraged him to respect Denzel for all he's done for blacks in Hollywood and to apologize, but TI refused. She listed upcoming black actors who did not show the respect Denzel deserved and how their careers came to screeching halts.
Denzel has clout in Hollywood. He is not the highest paid actor but considered Hollywood's best leading man. He has more pull than people realize. People don't realize "American Gangster" was a "play or pay" deal for him. He got paid twice. When they first signed the "play or pay" deal in 2004, and the movie fell apart because Antoine Fuqua backed out of directing...Denzel still got paid. When the studio picked the project up again 2 years later, they had to pay Denz AGAIN! Part of the deal was simply compensation for the fact that studio heads feel they just don't have enough roles available that are good enough for Denzel.
In any event, Denzel did NOT want TI at the premiere last week in Harlem of "American Gangster". He was adament about that. So, some phone calls were made and TI's bodyguard was quietly approached about talking to his boss about acquiring some new weapons. It was all a setup. The bodyguard was busted making the deal. Being a convicted felon, he was told either setup TI or face 25 years of federal time. He was not about to take a fall like Shyne and so he set up his boss. TI did not make the premiere, and may avoid prison time but he is going to be humbled. TI was NOT there, but Jay Z was there promoting his "CD" based on the film.
This was being discussed on KPRS radio last week based on some sources. They said TI simply has very lttle respect for his elders in the business and when he fronted Denzel off that hard in front of everyone, he played with the wrong person. Denzel will smile and grin in your face but he will destroy your career if you f@#$ with him. You have to learn who NOT to f@#$ with.
Has anyone else heard this. I noticed that after a station break they abruptly changed topics and never came back to it.

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